Sunday, July 22, 2012

Liebster Award!

While updating myself on my blogger reading list last night I discovered that my little blog won a little award!  Woo hoo!  It's called the Liebster Award and was awarded to me from my friend Lisa over at notladylike (which is an awesome blog and I think you should check it out!).
The Liebster award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome. 

Rules for receiving this award:
  1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
  2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you, plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
  3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
  4. Go to their page and tell them.
  5. No tag backs. 
OK, here are my eleven things:
1- My favorite color is green.
2- I have severe allergies to nuts, fish and seafood and I carry an epi pen at all times.  This can make dining at Asian restaurants difficult.
3- I love lists.  I'm always making myself a million to do lists so I always have tons of post it pads around.  I also love to organize.
4- I am a computer junkie!  On lazy days I can spend hours on my laptop checking out other blogs, facebook and pinterest.
5- I love to travel and see new places.  I have been to sixteen countries and counting.
6- I have a serious shoe addiction.
7- I've always driven a standard and don't plan on switching to an automatic anytime
8- I am scared of heights.  I'm fine in airplanes, but tall buildings and ferris wheels terrify me.
9- I hate buttons.  I won't wear anything (besides pants or a jacket) featuring buttons.
10- My favorite flowers are stargazer lilies and bird of paradise.  They were both in my wedding bouquet.  On a side note I hate babies breath.  This was also in my wedding bouquet and I pulled them all out.
11- I recycle.  If there's not a recycle bin nearby, I will take my recyclables home with me.

And here are the answers to Lisa's questions to me:

 1. What/who inspires you to blog?  I guess just life in general.  I started blogging last year with my Project 365 to document every day life and this year to document my travels, so me blogging is basically a way to keep a record of my life to look back on.  

2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?  I'm not sure anymore!  I always wanted to live in London or some other super cool city far away.  Now that I'm actually doing that I've learned I miss my friends and family too much!  I would love to live in a decent sized city somewhere closer to home, with milder winters.  Looks like Vancouver might be my current winner!

3. What do you always have to have on your person at all times?
Lipgloss.  I go nuts without it.

4. Favourite place to eat out?
My very favorite restaurant is Matahari's on 124 St in Edmonton.  Otherwise I'll never say no to a good Italian place.

5. What's your greatest personal attribute?
This is hard to answer myself!  I'd say I'm pretty loyal.  If I love someone/something enough I will stick to it till the end. 
6. Do you have any blogging rituals? Like, you always have to sit at the table, or blog right before bed, etc. 
Nope.  Although I usually like to blog about something as soon as it's happened so the memories are fresh in my head.

7. Name something you do, wear, say, to make yourself feel powerful and confident. 
Killer heels!

8. Name something that always gets you really excited. Example: going out for coffee with your BFF, "the new phone books are here! the new phone books are here!!"
Vacations.  I get a countdown going and get really OCD about packing and prepping a few weeks before.

9. What is something special/new you really want to do this summer?
  This year as I'm in the opposite hemisphere my summer doesn't start till December.  Who knows where in the world I'll be at that point- I sure don't!  I am hoping we can get to New Zealand at that point.

10. What's your biggest goal for 2012? 
Stop stressing and panicking so much!  So far not turning out so well.

11. Can you whistle? 
Sure can.  I love sitting on my balcony at night and wolf whistling at people walking by.  Entertaining to see them confusedly search for where the whistle came from!

Now to tag eleven other blogs to pass the award onto.  I don't even follow that many!  Friends, more of you need blogs, I love to read them!  I'm not going to pick eleven, as I feel strange tagging people I don't personally know.

4- The Beautiful Ordinary
5- twogirlsoneflat
6- Scrapbook Like You Mean It

Now for my eleven questions:

1- How long have you been blogging?
2- What started you blogging?
3- What is your favorite blog to read?
4- How often do you post?
5- What is at the top of your bucket list?
6- How many languages can you speak?
7- Who is your favorite author?
8- What is your perfect day? 
9- How many countries have you traveled too?
10- What is your favorite pair of shoes?
11- Have you heard of the Liebster Award before today?

Geez, this kind of feels like those forwarded emails about yourself I used to get in junior high where if you didn't pass it on you'd get a year of bad luck!  If you don't care to answer, it's ok.  If I didn't tag you and you'd like to play along, go for it!
Anyone have any awesome blogs they recommend I follow?  Maybe have your own that I could check out?  I'm also curious who is following me!  I get pretty good traffic from all over the world and would love to see who's following!

In other news I'm off on an impromptu trip to Sydney tomorrow!  My parents are there till Thursday and I really felt I needed one more day with them.  I have Tuesday off, so will be flying out tomorrow night after work and spending all of Tuesday with them, the flying back in the evening.  Then I work Wednesday and Thursday morning we're off to the Whitsundays.  What a jet-setter I am this month!



  1. Victoria!!! It is so good to hear from you and that you are having some fun! You look fantastic and I love your photos of Australia :) Thank you so much for the Leibster Award! I hope to do a post this week on it :) Take care and I'm following you now :) (Well on your blog that is...)

  2. Victoria! I will get on this soon, I am working right now, so should probably pick a better time to blog! :) I will do this over the weekend! We miss you and love hearing and seeing all about your adventures! :)
