Friday, July 20, 2012

All Caught Up?

My Aussie road trip and visit with my parents is over and it's back to reality.  I was so sad to say goodbye to them at the airport after spending two weeks straight with them.  Especially since I don't know when I'll be seeing them next.  It's so hard to spend all that time together and then be apart for so long.  I was also sad to come back to Queensland and the Gold Coast.  I quite enjoyed being out of state for awhile!  I'm feeling disoriented too because my carefully thought out plans have now taken a big turn and I don't know what the next move should be.

Lucky for me I had yesterday and today off to recover from my vacation (and catch up on laundry and blog posts).  I spent the first part of  yesterday feeling yucky and trying to figure out our next step.  I was lucky enough to skype with Dewey and Jill this afternoon, then chat on the phone to Kirsten this evening to talk things out.  I love that my friends are always there when I need them and am feeling sad, even though I'm so far away.

I had a good chat with Joel last night about our plans too.  I think he finally understands that I want to go back home because I truly miss the people.  Yes, lifestyle might be better in some ways here and there is no snow, but in the end I need to be close to my support group.   I've learned that my friends and family are what is most important to me and nothing else can make me as happy as they do.  So if I have to tough out some cold winters to do this that is a small sacifice in the long run!

Today (after wallowing for a bit) I finally got out of bed and decided to be productive.  I walked in the sunshine to the bank and the post office, then took my book and sat in the hot tub for a good hour.  I haven't been down there in awhile and now I remember why- my skin is so itchy from the water!  I did some reorganizing (what I do when I'm stressed) and had a shower and feel way better.  I told myself I need to stop stressing about the long term and just focus on the short term future (how to spend our next few months in Oz).  If I keep thinking about life back in Canada it is just an extra stress I don't need on my shoulder yet (I think my brain likes to stress).

 I think we've come up to a solution about where to move and how long to stay in Oz.  I won't say anything yet in case we change our minds (which does happen alot).  We're going to start applying for jobs in the new city and see what happens!

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