Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Victoria Day!

Happy long weekend to everyone back in Canada.  Australia does not celebrate Victoria Day (what?), so it was a regular work day here (they do, however, celebrate the Queen's birthday in June).

Last weekend was super chill.  On Saturday we walked through a nearby neighborhood, the Isle of Capri, and rated the houses.  Some are really modern, boxy styles, others are old sixties style homes that lack any interesting qualities.  All have big fences and gates around them to keep out the neighbors.  There is not really any space between houses.

After we sat on the balcony, drank wine, and watched the sun go down.  This is becoming a regular Saturday night tradition.  (Never thought I'd become such a wino!).  Next dinner at our favorite (so far) Japanese restaurant.  On our drive home we saw a guy walking around in a North Face style puffer jacket.  It was about ten degrees.  A bit dramatic I thought.  He topped off his "winter" style with shorts.  Joel wanted to take a picture and send it to What Not To Wear: Australia (which is the one reality show they don't have here!  Probably because a good part of the population would be on it.  They love the eighties a bit too much here).

Yesterday I met up with Ashley for coffee and a walk along the beach.  It felt so good to spend the afternoon in the sunshine.  She was in Switzerland recently for a conference and brought us back some Swiss chocolate, which is already almost gone...  It was good to catch up with her as I hadn't seen her since before she left.

Brutis has been a very bad boy lately.  On Thursday morning he was having trouble starting out in first.  I felt like a student driver!  When I went to pick Joel up from work, he wouldn't start!   I called Joel and he gave me a few things to try, but no luck.  I was so mad I gave him a good kick.  Luckily Joel is a clever mechanic and fixed it when he got home later.  Glad he figured it out.  I was thinking Brutis was dead and ready to have a panic attack. 

 Not much picture-wise to share.  We've been pretty lame lately (mostly just too tight on cash todo anything crazy ).  I thought I'd share with you the most annoying man in Australia.  Somehow this guy ended up being a newscaster on The Project, an evening news program that makes fun of the news (that's how Oz  rolls).  He thinks he is HILARIOUS and God's gift to the world it seems, but I can barely stand to watch the show because of him!  His teeth are not nice enough for television and neither is his voice.  At least these pictures are making me laugh.

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