Thursday, January 17, 2013


Tomorrow is my last day in Sydney and I'm feeling bittersweet.  I'm so excited to go home (I'm already envisioning the moment I walk off the plane and am greeted by my family) but also a little scared for what's next to come.  We're going home to no house, no cars, no jobs, and will have only a small amount of money to get us started.  But we will have tons of love and support from our family and friends.  It will be weird at first because so much will have changed in a year.  All the little things that slowly change day by day are going to seem like major changes to us.  Construction that started when we left will be finished, favorite restaurants and hang outs will be closed, babies will have grown to toddlers, people will have changed.  It won't be the exact same as when we left.  But in my heart I know that going home is right.  I love Sydney, but staying here would never feel like home.  I would always know that someday there would be a return date.  I know Edmonton isn't as exotic as Sydney and it will be tough living through those bitter Alberta winters.  But in the end there's no place like home.  Traveling and being away for a year has really made me appreciate all the good things about home, things I never would have stood back to notice before.   I'm so lucky I got to experience what I did.  There were alot of things I hated, but also some amazing moments.  Those are the things I'll hold onto and look back at and think how amazing I did that.

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