Saturday, January 5, 2013

Not Such a Happy New Year...

On our way home Joel ended up getting in a fight, as drunk boys do.  I'm not going to go into details , but he got beat to the face pretty bad and we ended up in an ambulance to the hospital.  He was mad and hurt, I was freaking out and scared.  He is ok now, just had some big hits to the face resulting in bruises, bumps, cuts and sidewalk rash.  I felt bad for him but not too bad as he should know better.  The doctor gave him a note to take the rest of the week off work and rest up.  He's already looking way better.

On Wednesday I had to go back to work and today was the day I had to hand in my notice of resignation.  I was still feeling pretty upset about everything that went down on New Years and was scared to tell my bosses I was leaving.  I had a lovely panic attack as soon as I got off the train to head to work.  I told Andy, the business side boss, and he took it pretty well.  He said he understands that we couldn't get a visa through Joel and he's sorry he's unable to sponsor me (they are frozen as sponsors and don't know how long it will take for it to unfreeze) and sad to lose me as I've done so well in such a short period of time.  Then the fun part began- telling the rest of the staff and saying goodbye to my clients.  This is tough, especially when the clients love me so much and try and offer more suggestions to how I can stay and get upset at the government for not allowing perfectly good people to stay.  I don't want to tell them part of the reason we're going home is because I don't like their country.  After lunch my other boss Steve (aka Slimey) had a talk with me in which he basically made me feel guilty for leaving.  I think he was just mad because I didn't tell him first.

Thursday was my eleven hour day and I was fully booked.  By 8:30 when I left I was sore from standing all day and emotionally drained from telling so many people what was happening.  I went home to bed right away.  I woke up during what I thought was the middle of the night, but only ended up being eleven o'clock.  I couldn't get back to sleep because I was just feeling so upset about the last few days and stressed about all the things that have to get done in the next few weeks, and the fact that we really have no plan for when we get back.  You name it, I can stress over it.  They don't call me OCV (Obsessive Compulsive Victoria) for nothing!

I was going to call in sick Friday morning, but I had a special client I wanted to personally say goodbye to.  I should have just stayed home though as I was a mess and a zombie due to lack of sleep.  At one I asked to go home sick.  Work said no problem, just get a doctor's note and they could pay me for the hours I'd miss.  I was dealing with so much I couldn't take it anymore.  I had a meltdown when I got home and then crashed.

Yesterday morning I got up early and went to a walk in clinic for my note.  The doctor gave me two more days off to relax from all the stress I'd been dealing with.  I emailed the note to work.  A few hours later I got a call from Andy.  He said it's too confusing to tell clients I'm sick for two days then leaving and it makes Detail look shady by having so many stories, so not to come back to work.  They will pay me my regular pay for the next two weeks.  At first I was shocked and shaken up because they basically were nicely firing me, even though I had given notice first.   I've never been fired.  When I calmed down I realized now I have two weeks off paid to relax, get my stuff done, and enjoy as much of Sydney as I can.  Pretty sweet!  Dewey said think of it as a goodbye gift from Slimey for being a douche.  Time to see the city, courtesy of Detail...

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