The weather here the last few days has been phenomenal- bright blue skies with no clouds, sunshine, 26 degrees and just the slightest of breeze to cool things down. I spent as much time as possible outside as I could. Yesterday I found a comfy place along the sandbar and read at the beach until the sun started to go down. I finished "Vintage Alice" - so good! When I came home I had a nice little Papyrus card and treat in the mail from my mom. Thanks Mom! I added it to my "shrine wall".
This morning I dropped Joel off bright and early at Colonial Golf Course, where he is a member, then headed off to work. I worked till one o'clock, then went back to pick Joel up. He had just finished his round, so I joined him for lunch on the patio. My knowledge of gold courses is limited (this is maybe the first time I've stepped on a golf course like, ever), but to me this is a beautiful course, well manicured with views of the hinterland mountains. Too bad about the giant power poles that run through!
It felt so good to sit on the patio and just chill and enjoy the view. Lunch at the clubhouse was amazing too. We both had club sandwiches, which had boiled eggs added to the mix for added goodness, and I had a nice glass of sparkling wine from South Australia. We met a few other golfers from Melbourne who told Joel that Melbourne features ten of Australia's best courses. Now he's open to relocating there he says! Ha, golf will get him to do anything.
After lunch we headed to the driving range so I could video his swing for critique. Yes, he is wearing bright orange shorts and a hat. This is his tribute to his current favorite golfer, Ricky Fowler. For those of you who don't know who this is, he's a big US golfer who wears bright orange every Sunday tournament for good luck. Some of the other golfers were calling Joel Ricky today.
Poor Joel was tuckered from his game in the hot sun. When we got home I picked up some wine (the sole bottle of Gewurztraminer on the Gold Coast) from our local BWS and we sat on our balcony enjoying it and watching the sun go down. We played an entertaining game of "What car would you rather drive?" (basically "Who would you rather?" but with cars) and Brutis featured often (not wining).
Joel is already in bed asleep, so I have some time to catch up on some scrapping. I started a little mini album last night of images from home. I find it really helps to get my thoughts on paper, so I thought this would be a good way to clear my brain a bit. Basically it will be a journal about happy memories that I can look at on the days I need some extra comfort, along with some of the nice pick-me-up emails I've been getting from friends and family. It felt really good to sit down and write about all the things I love about home that I've taken for granted. The nicest thing about traveling is that you gain perspective on things. I've learned that Edmonton really isn't as bad a place as I thought (except for the extra long winters!). I noticed my scrap stash is slowly dwindling and the scrapbook stores here are limited, so I'm getting very crafty! Might be good for me to think out of the box a bit. I'll post some pics once it takes more shape.
For now, here is my "den/vanity". Beside the bed is where all my books, magazines, scrapbook supplies and mail is going. Normally I never put this kind of stuff in my bedroom, but as we are lacking a den I had to adapt. I don't have room for a vanity stand, so my make-up and perfume sit sadly on the bedside table. Behind the table is my "shrine wall" as Jill calls it. This is where all the pictures, artwork and cards I'm receiving are going (send me something and it will join the collection!). Next is my craft drawers. I realize the bright colors are pretty cheesy, but it was the only large plastic drawers I could find. This is where my selphy, smash books, tools, paper and embellishments live, each in their own designated drawer. When I want to scrapbook, I just pull the drawers over to the kitchen table and everything has it's own happy place in easy view (I have mild OCD so organization is key for me). Underneath the nightstand is my mail drawers, for my address book, postcards to send, envelopes and stamps. Now if only Joel would get all his papers this tidy! (They are currently littering the coffee table).

Also thought I'd post a few of my favorite songs right now. This is what I'm listening to as I'm cleaning the house, scrapping, or driving in the car (stupid Brutis):
Nicki Minaj- Starships
Immelda May- Johnny Got a Boom Boom
Yael Naim- New Soul
Hotel Song- Regina Spektor
Boston- More Then a Feeling
Bic Runga- Hello Hello
Blist- Brainbird
Lorene Scafaria- We Can't Be Friends
Bedouin Soundclash feat. Coeur De Pirate - Brutal Hearts
One Direction- One Thing (I know, I fell into their trap!)
If anyone has some cool music, please share! Aussie radio pretty much sucks, so I'm relying heavily on my ipod. Most of these songs are off of movies I've seen lately.