Last week was another busy one. I've been fighting a flu bug and have not had my regular energy, which has made me get really panicky about going (I'm prone to panic attacks). Now it's time to start thinking about packing, which is a tough enough task for me for a week or two, let alone a whole year! How am I going to pick which shoes I love most to bring and which stay behind??? I was also starting to feel bad for leaving people behind. I worry that my parents will get lonely, I'm sad to sell my beloved car Wolfie, and that people will fill the gap I've left behind. I had a nice talk with my Dad and he helped calm me down. He said everyone can take care of themselves here and that there is skype and phones and texts and if he gets really lonely he can come visit. He said don't stress about everyone in Edmonton, just enjoy my time and adventure away. I'm still stressing about packing, but amazingly that little talk lifted a big weight off my shoulder.
I've also been saying goodbye to all my clients. Since we booked this trip so quickly, alot of clients have been getting surprise announcements that their appointment today is their last one with me for a year! Everyone is really excited for me. A few are sad and are trying to figure out if they can fly down to Australia for a haircut and write it off as a business expense! I am very lucky, my clientele is full of wonderful people who I always look forward to seeing. Here are two of my very favorite blondes, Amber and Robin (they are identical twins). They love my family and joked that they would adopt my parents while I'm gone.

On Sunday Mom threw a family "Bon Voyage" party for Joel and I. It was weird to say "see you next year" to people I'm used to seeing all the time! We had prosecco, appetizers, and Aussie colored cake pops, which were so good.
My Godparents, Greg and Barb.
My speical boy cousins, Jeff, Will and Paul.
They are all younger then me but much, much taller.
My cousin Larissa.
On Sunday Mom threw a family "Bon Voyage" party for Joel and I. It was weird to say "see you next year" to people I'm used to seeing all the time! We had prosecco, appetizers, and Aussie colored cake pops, which were so good.
They are all younger then me but much, much taller.
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