This blog was started as a travel blog to document my year abroad, but I've had so many people asking about it ending that I have decided I will continue with some updates here and there.
First up, this posts title. Word Up. My blog was called Word Under because I was in the southern hemisphere. Now I'm back in the northern hemisphere therefore I'm up.
I've been home for just over two weeks now. I've been so busy! So many people to see and catch up with and tons of things to organize and sort out for life back in Edmonton. I did a giant purge of my closet and got rid of a ton of stuff I hadn't worn in years. It felt good to do this but the good feeling was promptly followed by purgers remorse. How much money had I spent over the years on that stuff that I never used? Hope Goodwill will give it all to good homes. Mom took me shopping yesterday so I have a few new things to fill the holes in my closet...
Weather-wise I've been OK. This is the most asked question. Yeah, it's been cold (temps between -20 to -30 Celsius last week), but I'm from Canada and this is nothing new or scary for me. Yeah, I love warm weather and summer better, but after a year away I kind of missed the snow! (Never in my life did I think that would happen). I even spent an afternoon outside with my parents at the Ice on Whyte Festival (winter festival here featuring ice carving competitions for you non-Edmontonians). The only thing I've struggled with since being home is driving! I spent the last year driving on the left side and having my signals, wipers and shift on the opposite side. My first night I had to retrain my brain which side things were on and to remember to KEEP RIGHT! I still get confused on left turns...
Dancer ice sculpture at Ice on Whyte |
My first week home was spent solely with Dewey, as she went back to NYC less then a week after I returned. It had been over a year since I last saw her so I had to get my fill! When she left I felt so sad and didn't know what to do!
I've caught up with most of my friends. I met up with the Applauz and TM girls. I went to TM for a LNC with Jill and was like a mini celeb! It made me feel so good that I was missed and even better that so many of the ladies had been following my blog!
Last weekend I headed out to Wainwright to see Cher and the kiddos. My Godson Nathan was only a few months old when I left and I didn't think he'd remember me, but when he saw me he ran straight to me and gave me a hug! Best moment of the trip. I had a little belated birthday party for Taela (as I was flying in on her actual birthday) and Cher had a little welcome home party for me with her mom and Tammie. Taela and Skyla were so happy to see me that they fought for my attention the whole trip and got in trouble for not sharing and playing nice with each other. They had to make me "sorry" cards for being bad- so cute! On my way home I got in a mini accident. I caught some ice on the highway near Tofield, went for a few spins and ended up in the ditch. I was fine and so was the car. Some kind strangers pulled over and towed me out of the ditch- thank you so much!!! (I've also really noticed how kind and polite people are here- they say thank-you and sorry and you're welcome. So great.)
Playing in the snow with my girlies |
Mainstreet Wainwright |
Heading home in the snow on Highway 14 |
Taela's sorry card- so cute! |
Today I went to keep my sister in law company at the hospital. Her water broke last night (two months early) so now she has to wait in hospital till contractions begin. Poor thing is getting pretty bored and antsy. All is good with baby and we hope she comes soon safely.
It feels so good to be back in Canada and have my friends and family only a short drive away, but I feel a bit of a let down being back in Edmonton. Originally when we left our plan was to settle in Calgary so I had said my goodbyes and made peace with leaving Etown. It is a little sad coming back and slipping into old routine as if I was never away at all. I think this will go away when I get my life organized and in the long run it is so important to be near my support group.
Joel is home tomorrow afternoon. I picked up some Valentines decorations and made him a sign so he feels welcomed when he comes home. Hope he likes the surprise! As I'm back at work tomorrow his Mom will be picking him up at the airport. I see him after work and treat him to his requested welcome home dinner- Panago pizza and McDonalds McFlurries!
Also I now have instragram! For those of you who want to follow me check me out: